• Good News

Alexandra Moral


1.Give yourself time to grieve.You lost a big part of your life when you break up with someone and that's painful.cry it out until you feel tired of crying.Maybe crying won't solve problems but crying is how your heart speaks when your lips can't explain the pain you feel.

2.Cut off contact with your Ex
Do this for yourself.No,you do not need to be friends.Keeping an ex in your life doesn't help you to heal after break up.Many people hang on to the idea of friendship with an ex as a way to keep the possibility of the relationship alive but for me?You cannot be friends with each other.He/she left you.He/she cheated on you.I know its not that easy to cut off contact with your ex lover but please surround yourself with people who push you to be a better version of your ownself and not to destroy your ownself just like your ex did.

3.Return to the things you love doing.Travel and explore new places.Schedule plans with your bestfriends or most especially with your family.Try to distract yourself as much as possible for faster healing.

4.Give yourself a makeover.changing your hairstyle is the easiest and most effective way of giving yourself a makeover.Investing time in skincare can have extreme makeover results.Complete your makeover by picking clothes that will give your body a flattering images.And lastly Feel confident in yourself.You became a better version of your ownself so be proud of it.

5.Finally,when you're ready,forgive.Letting go of bitterness will help you to move forward.Forgive yourself and forgive 
the other person for the mistakes both of you made in a relationship.There's no perfect relationship.People hurt each other intentionally or unintentionally.It is a part of we do as a people but the most important thing after a tough day is to heal and forgive.

(need someone to talk?follow me on IG: heyitsmerackel)♡♡♡
