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How to Grow Taller(Tips)


You should sleep at least 9-10 hours at night. You need to sleep aroung 9-10 pm so that you will wake-up around 7 or 8 am in the morning. Drinking water everyday is also important to increase your height. You need to drink 1-2 liters of water each day. Drink milk twice a day. Milk is one of the best source of calcium that will actually help you to make you grow taller. 

If you really want to grow taller, you need to hang in a door, tree or wherever you can hang in your house for at 20 seconds to 1 minute. Do this twice a day to see the results in a fastest way. 

Exercise and Yoga are also one of the thing that you can do to grow taller. Some of the exercise that you can do are hanging, cobra pose, hip flexor, stand straight, and touching your toes. You can do this exercise twice a day. Also, there are many exercise videos in youtube that you can watch to add some inch in your height.

Last thing, avoid habit that will stunt your growth. Always eat on time and eat enough food. Avoid eating junk foods, drinking alcohol and softdrinks. Also avoid eating too much sugary foods.


  • Gabriel Ian
    Sep 07, 2020 16:17
    Thank you hihi
  • Ayaxian
    Sep 07, 2020 10:56
    Ok ..
  • Allyssa Mae Bote
    Sep 07, 2020 09:33
    Thanks for this info!