How To Make Money As A Kid Online You don’t have to rake leaves or start a lemonade stand to make money as a kid anymore. You can make money online. Here are the top 8 ways to make money online as a kid. 1. Start a Website If you are looking for a long-term way to make money as a kid, starting a website is a great way to do it. One of my goals for building this is to help kids and teens start an online business so that by the time you graduate high school you won’t need a job. I wrote a free guide with videos to help kids and teens start their own website that makes money. 2. Become A Youtuber There are literally thousands of kids and teens making great money on Youtube. You can too. You can do product reviews, challenges, eSports, or even vlogging. It is a lot of work but if you will stick to it you can make it a career. EvanTubeHD makes over $1.6 million a year and he’s just a kid! If you are not camera shy then join the ranks of other successful kid Youtubers. I recommend the Hollens Creator Academy for getting started. 3. Online Surveys There are literally hundreds of sites where you can take surveys, watch videos and play games to make money online as a kid. Swagbucks is the most popular one. Cashcrate is not bad either. You aren’t going to get rich but you can make money on these sites. 4. Build an Audience How big is your following? All social media platforms have some kind of follower or subscriber. Did you know you can make money from your following??? You can. Crazy right. The larger the following you have the better, so start proactively learning how to grow it. You can make money by selling other peoples products through affiliates to your followers and if you have a lot of followers companies will pay you to promote their brand. Learn how to start an Instagram business as a kid here. 5. Make a course Everyone is an expert at something. Yes, even you. As a kid, I raised and sold baby rabbits. I could have easily created a course on how to raise and sell baby rabbits and sold it. I am sure there is something that you know a lot about that you could make a course about and sell. One of the best places to do this is Udemy. 6. Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing is sooooo cool. You should definitely check out Kickstarter. Basically, how it works is you come up with a cool new idea. Make a prototype and promote it on Kickstarter. If people like your idea they will buy it before you have even made it. If your campaign is successful then you can manufacture and ship your product to your supporters. The coolest part is that you can crowdsource almost anything these days. For a list of crowdsourcing platforms check out my article on how to make money as a teenager online. 7. Photography Did you know you can sell your photos online? You can. There is a lot of marketplaces where you can upload and sell your photos. iStockphoto and Fotolia are just two of many. 8. Online Freelance Jobs I recently hired a kid on Fiverr to do some voiceover work for me. She did a great job and made great money doing it. There are a lot of ways to make money online as a kid doing freelance jobs including transcribing.