🤔HOW TO USE AND EARN IN GOOD INFO NET 🤔 🗣️ For Starters, Everybody don't really know how to use this website: "GOODINFONET". All we know is that it says we post good/ positive contents we could earn money. But the question is how is that even possible? 🗣️ Good Info Net allows you to put your business, news, something about you in their site, even you can find a job on their site. 🗣️ Writing Positive News 📃💻 is what you should do. Once You reach 200 different/ Unique Urls page📃 reviews from different people in 7 days they will reward you to earn Top User Badge🏅 and Of course get paid 💸💰, Thats How it Works! 😎🤏 😲🕶️🤏 If there are any information you know more about GoodInfoNet, Feel free to comment down below and leave a HighFive! Thanks 👏👋