• Good News



Have you ever been judged and identified by other people as the person you are not?

Some of us do .. And I tell you, I understand.

People tend to create a vision of a character to other people based on their own principles, beliefs, culture and expectations. We are not born to fully understand and embrace the personality of the people around us. 
Unfortunately, many people are being bashed or misjudged because of this mindset. 

I am just starting out small business to survive this pandemic.
Yesterday, I received a refund request from the customer with her concept of me as a scammer. 
It's really stressful being identified as someone you'red really not. 

The point is this ..
Even if we are being misjudged by other people, keep and hold your foundation. If you know yourself well, do not be swayed nor be stressed out by this. People tend to release unkind words to us no matter how kind we are. 

Remember this, do sell yourself short and level unkind people.
Just solve the problem but if the problem is not unsolvable then you have to learn to let it go and not to worry about it.
