• Good News

Rex Tajanlangit

Inspiration or #MyMotivation?

The perfect answer to this is family, like me, I have a wife blessed with 2 daughters, what more can you ask for? Let’s not forget the difference between #mymotivation and inspiration.

In a popular dictionary, the meaning of motivation is the reason or reasons one has acting or behaved in a particular way. The general desire or willingness of something to do something. 
While inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something. Which is more appropriate if you answer the question of what or who is your motivation?

Is your family the reason why are you behaving in a particular way?  Or is it your family is the one stimulating you to do something good. 

At this point, we assume that we all going in the direction of good. Both motivation and inspiration are triggers to a person to do what needs to be done. And family can be a suitable answer to all of that description. 

However, I looked the other way….

#MyMotivation right now is really not my family or my work or monetary rewards. The mindset has shifted from external motivation to motivation inside, I looked the other way, and I looked inside what else I can do for other people. I looked inside and asked, “what is my center?” I looked inside and what value I can add to other people? 

#MyMotivation is my dream to help other people reach their dreams. I wanted to be part of every other people’s journey in reaching their goals. That dream is the one that motivates me whatever I am doing right now.

Where is my family in the picture? If I reach that dream I can encourage them to reach also their dreams and goals in life. Even we are a family we are still different individuals with different dreams and different goals. My wife wants to help other Filipinos in Freelancing which is different from mine. My 2 kids have still a lot to experience to define their dreams it will surely come to them eventually. My family inspires me to do creative things as every day we are confined at home, I learn from them which inspires me to do crazy things.

What motivates me is what’s inside me that would really keep me awake.

“...the world is more and more aligned in favor of those who find motivation inside, who would do what they do even if it wasn't their job. As jobs turn into projects, the leaders we need are those that relish the project, that jump at the chance to push themselves harder than any coach ever could.” Seth Godin


  • Good Info Net
    Jul 16, 2020 13:11
    What a beautiful story!