• Good News


Ishaan, A Precious Child (from the movie "Every Child is Special")

Like the stars in the galaxy, it is in indeed that every child is special. Each child is unique. Every child has its own capabilities and some have their challenges and difficulties.

On the off chance that I will be one of the characters that is available in Ishaan's imagination, I figure I will be the planet Saturn. I will be Saturn to reveal to Ishaan that even I am distinctive with different planets, in view of the ring around me; it also makes me stand out. It makes my personality and it should not impede me to like myself since others see it wonderfully. Much the same as what Teacher Ram saw in Ishaan. Ishaan needs to acknowledge he is astonishing and is adored by many. 

All children should be dealt equally with affection and care, as the same as what Teacher Ram said “It takes a big hug, a kiss in the cheek or by saying the words I love you my child” to show to them that you love and care for them. The film tries to reveal to us that we should show more concern for the kids facing difficulties. Being different isn't terrible, what is awful is individuals who judge you and think little of your capabilities without knowing what else would you be able to do, and what skills do you have.

Watch the movie! It's worth you time, I promise :)


  • ()
    Sep 08, 2020 21:54
    I love this
  • Red Albante
    Sep 08, 2020 19:33
    10 | Keep Posting! Follow me on Instagram: Red Abante
  • Gabriel Ian
    Sep 08, 2020 15:57