• Good News



Life is not just about the good things, it’s also seeing and experiencing the bad things.
Sometimes we also feel not okay or we feel down and negativities, and I tell you, that’s okay! Your life is not going to end, rather it’s starting.
Not everything is about enjoying and being happy, we also need to be down for us to truly appreciate what being happy and contented and life is all about.
You know what, when you feel like you're not okay or feeling down or you even feel like nothing’s going on your way or how you wanted it, take a rest. Calm yourself, your mind, and your heart. Get that composure back. Slowly but surely, push yourself back up and tell yourself, “I’m okay, it’s okay not to be okay. I needed the rest, now that I feel rested, I’m ready to face what’s this day is going to give me.”
Everyone should always consider themselves and what they feel. Do not, like do not ever disregard what you are feeling. Love comes from within you and not from others.
