In the year 2000, a vision was given to a man of God, Dr Jonathan David. "I saw a huge brick factory with all kinds of bricks being made. Ordinary, colored, glazed, designed and other varieties of bricks were being made in this factory. Then after a period of time, I saw hundreds of large trucks carrying these bricks to different places and distributing them to the many construction sites across the country. The builders were waiting for the arrival of these bricks to complete their assignments and projects." Jesus, himself felt compassionate about the crowd of people who are being likened to a sheep without a shepherd. It is where he saw that the harvest field is in need of workers. " This is a call for all believers to not just stay within the four walls of your churches. Be trained inside but have a goal to do the service outside. For we come to worship but we depart to serve. This is the "great commission". Souls are lost not because they don't want to hear the good news but because they don't have the chance to do so. There is a need to reach out for the unreached. Don't allow them to die without knowing the Love of God. In Ezekiel 3:18, we see our accountability. For it is said, When I say to a wicked person, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. Beyond the mountains and ranges are lives longing to hear God's, unfailing love. Go out of your comfort zone and find your purpose. Someone needs to hear your testimony!