I used to think my happiness was derived from being in relationships, from the moments that gave you unfamiliar butterflies to the treasure that was a soul to learn and grow from. But perhaps all I really wanted was simply to be loved. And I would like to think I’ve found this love elsewhere, in my friends and the people I’ve come to surround myself with. From the grounded bonds I formed at freshman orientations to the relationships that built up over spontaneous midnight adventures to the ones that materialized just because we were a “family” to the surprising friendships that sprouted in the three days I lived in coffee shops pulling consecutive all-nighters. At every turn I seem to find more support and encouragement than I could ever have imagined possible. They are the breathing proof that I am alive, well-loved and motivated to keep going and be better. You see, people surprise you in the most pleasant ways. Generosity, commitment, selfless love; I’ve found a home and people to share it with. Looking back, I firmly believe that through all the long lines of people on an afternoon break, finals care packages, and one-on-one talks, the greatest gift I received was the blessing of having these people in my life. Truly, these people are the treasures of my life. They are the living mementos that describe a time when being loved was something I didn’t have to wish for. I love you. Always.