• Good News

Mork Tee

Joy Of Missing Out

There’ll be a point in your life that you’ll realize the value of nothingness and the feeling of contentment whether missing out on watching the latest movies/series or acquiring the newest gadget. Nowadays, we tend to forget the real meaning of happiness. During this time of crisis and the whole quarantine scenario, most of us really try to find the beauty and luxury inside our own premises. I’m pretty sure you had some episodes reflecting and rethinking about life and how to deal with the new normal. It’s okay to miss out on a lot of things. I know you miss going to the mall, having your favorite drink at a cafe or partying at a bar with friends. But if you survived for several months of not doing the usual stuff you got used to before the pandemic, then you deserve a pat on your back. It goes to show that you can live without them and you’re still good. Sometimes you just need to look on the positive side of things even though you’re tired of it or feel like giving up. Take it as a challenge. A test that will keep you loaded with life realizations and will definitely be handy when the time comes. You can always find joy and beauty in the simplest and littlest things, you just need to take a closer look or step back to see the bigger picture. I missed out on a lot of things and I’m okay with it. It’s part of growing up. Food would still taste good without salt and pepper, right? Or no? But I’m sure you’re getting the point. Thanks for your time!
