Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.”- Jonh Dewey. The Filipinos believe that education is a ticket for a better future and that it is the primary avenue of economic uplifting. In the Philippines, education is valued greatly especially those belonging to the middle and low-income group, hoping that their life will change once they finish education. We all know that the Philippines is one of the three countries in Asia that do not have the K to 12 Program in their education system. But last 2012, the K to 12 Program was implemented in the Philippines under the former President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino. K to 12 Program covers two years of kindergarten, six years of primary education, four years of junior high school, and an additional two years of senior high school. The only possible outcome of this curriculum is either positive or negative. For others, this new curriculum is a new challenge and a new beginning for a better life and education. Because they knew what is the curriculum all about, they can get the life they wanted and get the new knowledge they needed because they acquire the K to 12 programs. On the other hand, for others, this new curriculum is a great problem in terms of new additional expenses and for the parents thinking that their children should be working rather than studying in the past 10 years. Because of the insufficient knowledge of the people about the new curriculum they not appreciating the positive outcome that we can get from it. Aligned with this is that they did not open up themselves for the opportunities that will come once their children or the students themselves will try the K to 12 programs. Some people are against it because they think that it’s not helpful for the students such as teaching the mathematics subject of elementary students in Filipino and the additional subject of primary education. But the only aims of the government is that to provide enough time for the mastery of skills, acquire lifelong knowledge and prepare the students for tertiary education and employment. Because they involve primary education in this new curriculum the students will have the basic knowledge and enough time to adjust and adapt easily with the help of the teachers. In addition, with this, the K to 12 program helps the students to have advanced knowledge and to compete with other countries. Also, the government has a program to help the parents who can’t afford the education of their children under this program. Even though people are against implementing the K to 12 programs the positive effect of it is, it helps and gave us big opportunities especially to the students and to the economy of the society. Because the education system of one country is a high-quality one the economy of the society will boost with the help of its people under that program.