• Good News

Love; A key for endless peace and respect

Every man and women have their own unique way of showing their self and personalities. The way they smile, the way they speak, the way they walk, the way they talk and the way they dress.

Moreover, we have our own different standards of giving respect to the persons we meet around. As well as we make and serve to them a standard that they will soon be used to judge and criticize us.

So, before further views, I guess each of us either a man or women are not exempted to be criticized and we must accept it whether is it good or bad. Because all of it is just a result of our decisions we made. 

Moving forward, I think we don't have to blame anyone because of what we are experiencing. This is related to the what they call 'dress issue'. Loving yourself will result of love from others. 

We don't have the same mind and the same thinking. It's just like standing on both sides of the number 6, the other sides shows that the number is 6 while on the other side is number 9. 

Respect always depends on us. Still, love will always be the key to undying peace.
