• Good News

Rod Fedelino

Love What You Do | #MyAdvocacy

I started creating content here when I'm looking for motivation. I saw the title of this page and tried to browse to see some stories and articles that will help me see the brighter side of what's happening. I read a lot of good content creator spreading a good news and motivating others by sharing their stories. It seems like I can also do the same thing. 

Everything I posted here was based from my experience. I wanted everyone to relate with the stories that I shared and encourage them to let their stories be seen to inspire others. 

Good news makes our lives lighter and take away stress. Please continue to creating quality content that can change lives. 


  • Red Albante
    Sep 08, 2020 19:49
    57|Keep Posting! Follow me on Instagram: Red Abante
    Sep 08, 2020 08:39
    ml hehe
  • Mr. Everything News
    Sep 08, 2020 06:38