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Motivational quotes

Addicted 2 Success
Addicted 2 Success

MOTIVATIONThe Beginners 13 Step Guide To MotivationPublished 4 years agoon Mar 2, 2016By Tim Denning
Quite simply, one of the best ways to be successful is to ensure you are motivated. Forget the cheesy internet sales guys telling you about how they got rich in 30 days. What you really need is the real definition of motivation, which is your motive for action.

Clearly there is some action you want to take and the only way you will make that action a must is if you have a motive to do so. A goal is really just an action you want to take so that you can get to some type of feeling.

No important goal is going to be achieved in a small amount of time so what you require is a motive for action, to regularly work on that goal in the form of a habit. Habits will never last though unless you set them with a successful strategy that is reinforced by your motives / reasons.

The mistake that we all make is that we think motivation will last forever, but it doesn’t. One inspiring article like this will not keep you motivated long term. The only way to achieve long-term results and outcomes towards your goal is to really go deep on why you are doing what you’re doing.
