" Prove them wrong " that was my motto for the past four years, and now I am proud to say that I completed my Junior High School even though a lot of people doubted me. " She's not that smart"; " I bet she can't finish Junior High School because all she did was have fun, cutting classes, and be in a relationship " that was the few words I heard from them. But despite those gossips and judgments, I accomplished my goal to finish Junior High School with flying colors. Yes, I am not a good student as what my parents imagined me. I am not that type of student who will stress my self out in studying for the exam. I prefer to scroll on my social media accounts than answering my assignment. But still, I manage to be part of what so-called " with honors." Grade seven days was a bit challenging for me. I was a transferee in our school. I came from the other province in which our dialect is different from theirs. It was a big adjustment for me. I need to learn their language as fast as I can to get along with them. Grade eight and nine days were smooth enough.I've already adopted their culture and language. I already have friends and become comfortable with them. But life is indeed a roller coaster. I need to transfer back to our province for some confidential reasons. When I came back, I thought it would be easy as one, two, and three because it was a less hassle. But I was wrong. I experience bullying. Grade ten, my last and final year, it was a big roller coaster ride. I lost my grandmother, my source of strength, and my everything. But still, life must go on. I tried to join our school publication in English, and luckily I got accepted. I also joined different contests like essay writing, representing my school, or our class. I tried joining TECHNOLYMPICS and was able to be the representative of our school. I failed to win, but I gained a lot of lessons and memories. I also tried getting out of my comfort zone and facing my fears. My final year was not just about improving myself as a student or as a human. There was also some fun experience where I got into a fight. I've experienced a fistfight with my classmate. I've also had a visit to our guidance office. Cut classes with my friends, and entering our classroom even I am three hours late. Somehow I've experienced staying late at night to finish our research paper because my group mates were pretty lazy, and I need to finish it with all by myself. My Junior High School is indeed fun yet tiring. But one thing I am proud of is that I don't regret anything. School is not just about learning your everyday lesson but also about learning life. Lose a lot of people but gained true ones. I've cried a lot but gained thousands of learnings. And lastly, I'd fun but managed to prove everyone wrong. Now, I am proud to say that I am Kristel Grace Moleño, a Grade 10 Completer, with honors, proving everyone wrong, now signing off.