• Good News


My 5 Helpful Tips for Aspiring Engineers!

Engineering is one of the top field that many people look up to, and dream of having a degree with. Are you one of them?

If yes, then this article might help you!

Below, I will enumerate five realizations after my first month on my Engineering classes.

1. Taking STEM strand is indeed the best choice!

I was a non-STEM student, meaning I didn't took up STEM during my Senior High school years but nevertheless, I didn't mind taking up engineering. However, I've realized that choosing the right strand on senior high is still the best choice to help you have a smooth transition of lessons in your preferred course.

STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is one of the strand offered among Academic Tracks in line with the K-12 curriculum. As its name speaks, it specializes on STEM-related disciplines or provide students an overview of subjects like Calculus, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Probably, those who took up STEM have an advance grasp of Calculus, Physics and Chemistry that are the major complex subjects for engineering freshies. The subject you took as STEM student doesn't actually mean that it will be credited in your college, but more like, you will have the normal flow of lessons. Those non-STEMS doesn't also necessarily mean they're on the grave disadvantage, only that, before they can have a regular class, they will need to take up a bridging program first before they could join their true section with the same major. For example, if you took civil engineering, you're supposed to be with other civil engineering majors, but since  you're a non-STEM, you couldn't join them yet. You should finish first the bridging program in which you will be in a block section mixed with other engineering students even of not the same major like Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial etc. Those under bridging program will need to take summer classes in order to catch up with the lessons that they supposed to have studied on Senior high in STEM strand. 

Yet like what  a said, it's just the best choice so you don't need to be afraid if you're a non-STEM student and planning to take up an engineering course. You probably can catch up as long as you have the will and determination!

2. You should know how to draw, be patient and mindful at the same time!

Not only for civil engineers but drawing skills are very essential in an engineering field. It is because in engineering, you will be dealing with plans or blueprints, designs and other things that basically require illustrations or drafts. Particularly, these are known to be called "engineering drawings" that you can make with drawing instruments or with freehand sketching. Plates or drawing outputs will be one of your major requirements. Have an advance research about drawing perspectives and the like. You don't necessarily have to be good, what's important is to practice beforehand to lessen your hardtime adjusting with making plates.

And yes, be patient! cause usually it might be hard for you in the beginning. But it's normal. No one starts excellent but constant practice will lead to improvement. 

Also, most important is to be always  mindful. There will be times that when you're already on the last part of your drawing and will still ruin it since you've lost focus. It will lead you back to zero , with only one mistake sometimes, cause you need to repeat all over again.

3. Good penmanship is secret weapon!

You might not giving much attention to your penmanship now, but when your lesson on lettering starts, you will surely know its importance. It's because you will be required to have always a legible and neat penmanship in capslock! And dear, you will be using drawing pens, not pencils. There's no place for erasures. Mistakes mean repeat! You wouldn't want that, right?

4. Familiarization with units of measurements and use of measuring instruments.

In engineering, you will be expected to read and prepare engineering drawings. For most of these, you will deal with instrument drawings or drawings that have scales. Ofcourse, you will be using measuring instruments that's why you need to be familiar with how these instruments will be used, and better practice using it in advance because drawing also requires speed. Familiarizing with units of measurements and their conversions will help you a lot! It's because sometimes, for example, the unit of measurement in your reference is in centimeter but the your measuring instrument is in milimeter or vice versa. Atleast it will help you avoid getting confused and I repeat, technical drawing requires speed.

5. Budget allotment for your drawing instruments and calculator!

Engineering is free in State Universities nowadays, but you will still have a lot of expenses with it comes to the tools. I can tell how drawing instruments are quite expensive. Maybe if you're financially stable enough, it won't hurt your budget. But for those who are not really well off, my advise is to save money for your drawing instruments. Only a simple drawing pen could cost you almost a hundred peso, and sometimes, your professor will require you five or more drawing pens of different ballpoints. Add to that, you will need different measuring instruments like T-square, set of squares (Triangles), Triangular scale, compass, etc. 

On the other hand, don't forget your handy scientific calculator! It will be your essential weapon on subjects with math! Yes, subject with an  "s"!

Those are all for now. I hope you have gain positive insights! Just a disclaimer, I've mostly based those on my own experience especially about the bridging program stuff cause that's how it was in my University. I don't want to mislead if there are other systems for non- STEM students on other Universities. If you're also an engineering student, or planning to take up engineering, or simply interested with this article, feel free to share your thoughts below!


I feel like something's wrong with my title. I'm still an aspiring engineer too!lol. Anyway, staysafe and Godbless!❤️



  • Gladness
    Oct 08, 2020 21:24
    Thanks for the tips. Now I'm going to practice on my penmanship 😂
  • Eduard
    Oct 08, 2020 06:43
    I like your writing skills. Keep on posting good contents.