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My Daydream Diary: #5YearsFromNow

My Daydream Diary: #5YearsFromNow

Have you ever been in a situation like being stuck in your nutshell, or being imprisoned in your own house? Well, most of us are in that same situation right now due to the ongoing global pandemic. 

It sucks when the coronavirus took away all of our freedom and becomes limited in our actions such as having a good time and hanging out with your friends, eating in your favorite eat-all-you-can samgyupsal with your family, and other daily interactive and social activities. And now, we need to adjust to a “new normal life” to survive.

Another day of the quarantine, I am not allowed to go out for safety reasons. So here I am feeling lazy to move, wanting to lay in my bed for the whole day. While looking at the ceiling, I started to daydream about what will happen in five years from now, so here’s what I see:

Daydream #1:
 All countries around the world are fully recovered from the deadly contagious virus. The huge cases of infected patients are disappeared. Big thanks to the group of scientists who discovered a herbal medicine for the cure!

Daydream #2:
People are learned to save money for an emergency fund and value their time spending with their family and friends. Hard times like this, will leave you with moral lessons in life.

Daydream #3:
The number of unemployed persons is decreased. More opportunities offered by the public and private companies to help them recover financially and as well as the economy. Just like bad weather, a storm will come, but the sun will shine again.


Five years from now, I see myself as a professional blogger, vlogger, and freelancer. Became an expert in content writing and digital marketing and being in demand in various big companies, and even in foreign countries. Inspiring and teaching other people to become a successful freelancer. Thanks to the quarantine days, you helped me to discover new skills and realizing that I have the potential to see better opportunities!

