• Good News

Aljun Morano

My Love Letter

Hi Panpan  , 

Maybe you ask why I didnt talk when you ask what I wrote that day 
when I was at  your home , Well The main reason is ,  I dont to mess this up. Im afraid if we just talk , I'll miss something and beat myself up on my way home for forgetting 
I want to thank you for the things you've taught me. When we met , You were so wonderful; everything about you took my breath away
You were jolly, smart and  full of life, I couldnt help kundi titigan ka mesmerize ako sayo,  ,Remember yung usapan natin sa car about whats your Ideal relationship, its now my foundation of what relationship I want 
thank you for that, I will carry it with me always 
Thank you also for all the late night talks we had 
There was something about the way you listened that made me feel like im the only person in the world, that make me think someone really understand my thought
It wasnt bad between us , I will alwasys see the good things about you .  
Thank you for introducing me to your friends , It make me feel more that I am  part of you .  
Thank you for taking an interest sa pagkilala mo sakin 
Thank you for singing with me even though we are out of tune  šŸ˜Š 
When I'm near you, I felt loved, Panpan  , You also inspired me 
to write more 
to love more and sing more  
I forgive you for making me feel like I wasnt good enough
I forgive you for embarassing me and make me cry  
I forgive you for keeping me at arms lenght and waiting till you had feelings for someone else 
I forgive you for breaking my heart into a million pieces
not because Im better than you '
not because I am good 
but because im not angry anymore 
you have been the greatest love of my life
thus far, also my greatest disappointment  
but even in all the pain and the hurt 
there was growth  
I learned to have boundaries  
i learned my self worth was more than you'd allowed  
I learned to love out loud  
I own myself today because of you  
I suppose a part of me will always love you  
Thats what most amazing about love isnt it 
theres no getting it back once you gave it away  
thank you for being part of my life
even for just the moment we share 
I will keep you close to my heart and   hope you will do the same  
Promise me you will erase all the ugly things 
that have transpired between us 
lets not hang on to the past 
as you said  " No regrets" and I say no more regrets " 
I wrote this letter today  '
with a smile  , with my notebook and my guitar  and that I can a write song again
and whenever we see each other  we talked again as a frined a very close friend  šŸ˜Š 
It will happen soon , Words just flow, this is my message while you are sleep , while im looking at you while mahimbing kang natutulog panpan  
Mahal na mahal kita panpan . Mamimiss kita  šŸ˜Š

Nagmamahal , 
