• Good News



       Eversince, I badly wanted to try blogging. Yet for some reason, I don't really have the spirit to be consistent in writing especially that I can't always think of a topic. Or who will even read? It was one day when I stumbled upon this certain social media platform ad on facebook. Yes, it was good info net, and before, I thought it was just like other media writing platform campaigns out there where you need to sign up and blah blah. Actually, I've already tried some other writing platforms but yep, the requirements and unfamiliarity with those made me drop it.
        My social media life is boring. I don't often check on facebook. If I go online, I only came up for news and share memes then I could go off for a week like I just got active to tell my friends I'm still alive. However, upon checking on my facebook for another time, I've came cross again with the Good info net ad that finally, somehow, sparked an interest in me. I tried signing up, making my account and explore it since I thought there's no harm in trying. It was not really a good first impression tho. As I scrolled on it, I've only saw some usual news that was already announced everywhere and some other articles which didn't have attached pictures. It looks boring cause I thought it was like a small social media platform like facebook (since you can also blog on facebook). What can be its use to me if I already have facebook? That made me initially dropped it. I didn't open my account maybe for some months until my online class already started. 

       It was then I saw the ad again on facebook but that time, it was  pertaining to the weekly challenge which the topic was about first day of school. Well, first day of school in an online class was actually a struggle and I feel like releasing rants or something so I thought, what if I just write it off on this platform? I logged in again and tried to post my shared thoughts on the first day of my class and just left it there. I was actually surprised that it eagerly got a reply and a like so I got more interested. I look unto the other articles and saw some post about top users. I then realized that the eager responses were because that's how this platform works? I tried monitoring it and noticed the random people commenting  random stuffs that's sometimes not even related to the article and it really disappointed me. There were even copypasted article from the internet which was actually considered plagiarism that made me really felt bad. I know the struggles of writing articles especially the formal ones and they were just illegally disseminating it on other platforms like this. Yet I also saw many personal blogs which talks about positivity that inspired me to continue using Goodinfonet.

       Finally I've decided that I'll write my personal blog here to express my self and if fortunate enough, I could also inspire other people. I don't want to pressure myself on writing formal articles so I just write freely what I wanted to say and wrote it on my own preferred style. I remembered how I am once determined to be a content writer with my own writing style, so I thought that I could actually use this as my stepping stone to improve my writing skills! One of my favorite too is making a graphic design for my post. I love graphic designs in general!

    Moreover, I started to love my anonymity here since I'm really private in person. So this is what playing dummy account feels like? Atleast being anonymous makes me express my inner thoughts more or the "other side" of me. I have a self-diagnosed social anxiety in person but yeah, this ain't me who's writing, it's the other side of me.

      What I further like about Goodinfonet is that like any other social media site, you can be easily committed to log-in everytime when you've became familiar of its features. Also for me, reading personal blogs are way more interesting than a toxic post on facebook or tweet on Twitter. I love how this platform's goal is to spread positivity and how articles wrote are always about positivity. More like, this platform has a "positivity filter."

       Above all, I genuinely enjoy Goodinfonet so far especially the weekly challenges, since it's giving me ideas of topic to write off. A bonus is that you can also win a prize. I never really consider it before cause it's common for platforms like this  so they could engage users, until I won myself ( not to brag but it was just really amazing that you could enjoy doing something while also being paid ). I've also read some top users' article in which they talk about being paid on this platform. Goodinfonet could also be a good side hustle! Be that as it may, like what I've said, getting paid is just a bonus.

     The positivity in this community is I could say its greatest strength. I also don't think that this is just for content writers cause I myself still uses it even if I'm not up to write something. I also use this platform to motivate myself, I look for positive articles when I'm down  and it would really made my day. Sometimes, I even read my own article and it indeed helped me. Like my past self actually advised my present self (LOL).

     Goodinfonet is indeed my positivity space against the toxic side of both the virtual world and the reality. I hope many users would continuously discover and use this platform because positivity is one of the major thing the world needs right now.


Godbless everyone!💕 Staysafe ❤️


  • Julius Atos
    Oct 06, 2020 00:43
    Wow! Congrats again kyung! :D
  • Rizza Mae Tabamo
    Oct 05, 2020 15:29
    Congratulations 🎉👏