• Good News




Gender equality is a human right, yet in reality, we face a persistent gap in access to opportunities and decision-making power particularly for women. One of the significant hindrances in the development and advancement of women is gender inequality. This implies that we treat men and women differently in any event even for the same task. A male child is always encouraged by the family to go to school, while the female kid is advised to learn household works.

Globally, women have fewer opportunities for financial cooperation than men, less access to fundamental and advanced education, and less political representation. Inequality is a global issue before up until now. Every day, women and young ladies around the world face violence and discrimination. They usually experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, regardless of age, or background. Sexual abuse, violence, unsafe social practices, and systematic inequality disregard their basic freedoms and preventing them from reaching what they want in life. Women are having a hard time living their life for they have to protect themselves. They have to avoid going out alone and late at night. They have to change the way they dress to protect themselves from people who will take advantage of them.

Empowering women is the major right of every woman. Empowerment includes the action of raising the status of women through education, raising awareness, proficiency, and training. Women empowerment is all about providing and allowing women to make life decisions through different dilemmas in society. Women play a significant role in society and the entire family is dependent on women for its day by day activities. They play the part of a mother, spouse, homemaker, cook, instructor, companion, and nurse all simultaneously while taking into account every one's needs. If women have a job, they also need to fulfill their job responsibilities while managing their home and family. The life of a woman is extremely hard, however they get practically no appreciation at all. There are a ton of incredibly skilled women however have no acknowledgment in the society. They treat ladies as weak and powerless. Women empowerment is a section to encourage women to feel strong by disclosing to them that they can do all the things that they want to do. Women can work outside their homes, have the opportunity to decide. Ladies do not rely on men. They can earn money to help their family by working through their capacities. Women deserve respect and they deserve to be treated right for they have suffered and endured a lot which makes them strong enough.

Be a Man. Respect Women

Photo from: https://images.app.goo.gl/LXDsJxTQH6wEZkue6


  • Ms. Tiktok News
    Sep 09, 2020 23:23
    woahhhhhhh UHUHUHUHUHUH
  • ()
    Sep 09, 2020 22:36
    Women empowerment lets go!!!
    Sep 09, 2020 22:18
    Keep posting