I MAY NOT (Title) I may not have the eyes that see The wonderful things that surround me, the sun, the stars, the moon and the sea, but in the dark sight I envision God’s plan for me I may not have the ears that hear the birds that chirp, the wind that blows, the every word my father and mother utters, but in the silence I listen to His voice and that He knows. I may not have the tongue that speaks power-filled words that everyone seek. I may not be able to voice out my answer, my thoughts But in the muteness. I am not lost in His way. Life and truth. I may not have the hands that touch The flowers they plant, the ball they catch, to the point out nature and picture scenic views I watch, but having no sense of touch teaches me the skills I match. I may not have the feet that walk, feet that venture like a poem in the Sandwalk, feet that jump and run, feet that step with fun, but in a place with limited space, I experience God’s amazing grace. I may not have the skin as white as snow, a complexion that is “in” for most of society’s show. Beauty and confidence choose no color. Black is beautiful, good character is our honor. I may not have the height or figure that stand out. Towering or sexy that makes other miss out. Skinny or fat, small or tall. What really matters is love and respect for all. I may not be what the society expects me to be. In a rainbow community, I set myself free and happy. Love wins, love conquers all. To be true to one’s self makes life more colorful. Eyes, ears, tongue, hands, and feet may be incomplete. Skin, body and identity may not be totally fit. We may not be perfect in all ways and all means, but having imperfections prove that we are only humans. I may not have something or may not be someone fully accepted. In God’s eyes. I’m fearfully and wonderfully created. In every disability there is always an ability. I am uniquely made for greater understanding of humanity. -Jake sj. Losantas I really loved it because that was comparable to myself, and I am the one who wrote it.