• Good News

Yu Mi

#MYHAPPINESS is your happiness

I remembered my friend once asked me "What is your happiness?" then i smiled and answered "when i made someone happy, when i see them happy" and she said "you know what you will be blessed because you are selfless" then i smiled and some flashback came up into my mind.

When i was a child my happiness is to see my mother happy. My mother wants me to join in a drawing contest in school, i love to draw but i don't have enough courage to join in every activities or in any event in school but my mother really insists me to join in a competition, so i joined, and that's the first time i felt happy when i saw my mother happiness because i participated, even if i got the first runner up in the drawing contest i am very happy and i felt like im a winner because i made my mother happy at that time. Later on as i grow up my happiness doesn't change, i felt happy if i made someone happy, if i helped them and if I'd be good to them to my family, my siblings, my friends, in my neighborhood and even to the strangers who need help. Imagine what kind of happiness they may feel if you help them especially if they are in difficult situation and if they are really trying hard in life. In this world there are a lot of people who need help, there are a lot of people who don't have foods, homeless, children who can't afford to go to school, etc. I want to help even in a simple way like giving food to someone who's starving is a big help, listening to someone who have burdens, sharing blessing to those in need. I am not rich but i want to help as long as i can. I know a simple act of kindness can be a great impact to someone in needs and you can make them happy. I believe a person's help is able to change another person's life.,you can make them happy and you can also be happy too.

Every person have a different happiness, some are having a lot of money is their happiness, being famous is their happiness, being powerful is their happiness, being loved is their happiness, buying luxury bag is their happiness, buying luxury car is their happiness, family is their happiness, friends is their happiness, achievements is their happiness, foods is their happiness, there are a lot of reason to be happy it depends upon the feeling of fulfillment of a person. But their happiness is my happiness, I can't explain my happiness if i saw someone is happy. We can be the light to each other, we can be the helping hand for each other, it's easy to be happy if you know that there is light and there is hope even if it's not big.

And in addition to that my other happiness now is goodinfonet, i can't explain my happiness if i got 200 unique views and if i got 10 dollars, i felt so much happy, let me share you about my first reward, when i got my first 10 dollars in goodinfonet i treated my family, we bought foods and we ate it in our home, im happy to see my family enjoying my treat and to see them happy. Thank you goodinfonet for making others happy by giving rewards, by sharing goodnews, by making this application it really help us especially during this pandemic days, thank you for being our light in this crisis.

Lastly, I know we can not change the world easily but we can be a good change even in a simple way, we can be a smile for each other, we can be the happiness for each other. 

My happiness is your happiness.
Remember "Seeing money in your pocket means nothing if you don’t have a heart."

photo not mine, i felt happy when i saw this picture, the smile of an innocent children.


  • Anime Feels
    Oct 19, 2020 10:08
    Niceeee article ❤️
  • Eduard
    Oct 17, 2020 09:41
    Great piece bro.
  • Kyungg
    Oct 17, 2020 00:48
    Great article ❤️ Me too, I feel like I'm living for other people more. Probably because of my personality.🤗