#MYHEALTHYROUTINE During this time of pandemic, health is a topmost priority to keep us safe from the peril of illness and disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is important for everyone to adopt a healthy lifestyle and turn it into a healthy routine. Today I would love to share with you what my healthy routine is. I never skip my morning breakfast and always eat it at the right time as it starts my day full of energy and makes me prepare to do my daily activities. Eating breakfast has lots of benefits such as improving your energy level, brain boosting, better weight management, enhance immune system and promotes a healthy heart. Then taking vitamin C once a day in the tablet form and fruits such as lemon and calamansi juice. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps to boost the immunity system. It prevents us from getting cold and coughing. Most of all drinking at least eight glasses a day to prevent me from being dehydrated and flushes out toxins in my body. Keeping up a good hygiene is a habit that I am obliged to do. During this time washing hands and sanitizing it by alcohol becomes an important daily routine for me. It prevents harmful bacteria from entering my body and spreading the bacteria everywhere. Then taking the precaution by the department of health every time I go out by wearing a mask, face shield and observing proper social distancing. Aside from physical health I also give importance to my mental health. Mental health matters to me a lot and keeping up sane is what I maintain all the time. Every day I always do journaling to release my anxiety and negative energy. Before sleeping I always do breathing exercises to make me calm and help me to rest my mind as well as my body. Those healthy routines make me stay fit, productive and resist me from getting illness and diseases. Now I’m going to leave a powerful quote to you from Theo Rossi “I believe that a healthy lifestyle isn’t just a regular exercise routine or your eating habits, but a synergy of a healthy mind and body”. Having a healthy mind and body is already a wealth and happiness that each of us must possess through developing and adopting a healthy routine.