Being neglected when you needed it the most is the most painful experience of your life. I wrote what I experienced. And here's my advice when you experience that stage. -Write them on a pad of paper or anything you can write on. This will help lessen the weight on your chest. And also you can read them again when you mind is not clouded anymore. -Talk to yourself. In a mirror or just sit in a place. Talk. Let it out. -Cry if you needed it. Crying is not a sign of cowardness. It is a sign that you are brave enough to face them. But even how brave you are, you need to rest. and also it does not mean of retreat. It means , pausing a bit to fight back again. -Pray. Let Him guide you. Let him be your companion. Surrender it to Him. And if you are done, wipe your tears if their is any. Get up and start over again. :) Here's a poem I wrote titled Neglected: Today, I feel uneasy, About the thought of not being classy, What people say, It matters in every way. Plus, you are busy everyday, I can not tell you, Because I am afraid that i might disturb you, What should I do? Everyday is awesome, if I can speak some, But there's no one, Busy is for everyone. Oh Baby, spare me some time, Cause every minute with you cost me a dime, So please give me your time, And let's take a dine. xoxo - YhannieIyat <3