• Good News


New you in this New Normal

Have you ever plan to be fit this year? 
But still you dont know how or you dont know when to start?
Hey girl it's 2020 and until now you're #bodygoal is still a goal. Where will you go start? Tomorrow? Next day ? Or Next year? 
All you have to do is to start now ! Yes, Now !
You only need to be committed to want you want, not to impressed but to fit and healthy. 
Let me share you a story of mine.
Before pandemic I gain 65kg, some says you're getting bigger of course it affects confidence. So I start March 2020 there has a time that I wanted to quit eat some comfort foods, but still I push it thru I exercise everyday,drink lot of water, minimizing sugary foods, do 8/16 intermittent and watching Chloe tings vlogs. 
Remember you're the only person who will push you to achieved your goals, to make the story short from 65kg I make it at 55kg.
I know Its hard, but you can also do that!
#NoPainNoGain #husslte #noexcuses
