• Good News


October, Rosary, and Our Lady of Victory

       Ever wonder why the month of October in the Catholic's liturgical calendar is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary?

      Marian devotion have been widely known as an integral part of the Catholic faith. However, I won't be discussing the root of it's reason for honestly, it's   indeed a complex case and would probably take long leap back from the history. Nonetheless, I'm here to share some sneak peek of the beauty of Catholic's faith explained in my own's  brief and simple words.

   To answer why October is called month of the Holy Rosary, let's go back to the 16th century. If you're not familiar with the infamous battle of Lepanto, let me give you a background.

  It was in 1571 when an Islamic Ottoman Empire have inflicted threats to the western Europe which caused the well known biggest naval  battle for centuries or also called " Battle of Lepanto". In this battle, the Ottoman Empire was defeated by a coalition of Christian states led by then Pope Pius V called the " Holy League." On that day of October 7, Pope Pius V didn't believe that they could possibly win that fight only by themselves so he is known to asked for the intercession of the Blessed Mother Mary. Obviously, they've dedicated their triumph to Our Lady and that originated the veneration of "Our Lady of Victory." A feast was held a day after so the history runs, establishing October 7 as memorial of that event then later on, the whole month of October to be the month of the Holy Rosary.

What is this Holy Rosary anyway? 

   Holy Rosary is one of the rich catholic devotion practices that is prayed especially by the whole family. It is set of arranged prayers such as the ten Hail Mary called decades, Our Father, Glory Be and Fatima Prayer (also called "Oh my Jesus). In the beginning of this prayer, a Catholic profession of faith is recited which is called the " Apostles' creed" ( summary of Catholic Faith) and at the end a " Hail Holy Queen" is prayed. There are still other prayers actually, but those depends on the person such as if you will  start it with Angelus or simply a short introductory prayer. Commonly, the Holy Rosary is prayed at six o'clock in the evening but actually, it can be prayed anywhere and anytime like any other prayer as long as it's with focus, respect, and purity of intention. It was not just a simple recitation of seemed scripted prayers, it is a kind of meditation and contemplation with the Lord.

 In the Rosary, there are these called " Mysteries of the Holy Rosary" which recall the events in the lives of Jesus and Mary. Since Mary had been with Jesus through out the beginning, it is like joining Mary in reflecting on the journey of Jesus Christ. The mysteries highlights the four main events in the life of Christ. These are called the Glorious Mystery ( said on Sunday and Wednesday ), the Joyful Mystery ( said on Monday and Saturday ), followed by Sorrowful Mystery ( for Tuesday and Friday ) and Luminous ( for Thursday ).

  Praying the Rosary may requires an item also called a "rosary". It was a string of beads or "knots" used to help in counting your prayers especially the decades of Hail Mary. This is also why commonly the Rosary is associated as prayer of  family. Since this rosary beads can be compare to a strong bond of family intact together by the center, which is Christ.

Isn't just this a vain repetition of prayers?

Like what I've mentioned, it is more than just a recitation of a seemed scripted prayers, it is meditation and contemplation to achieve a deep and meaningful time with the Lord. It is also creating a prayerful ambiance while reflecting on the Mysteries of the Rosary. As Bishop  Mueggenborg (2018) on the Northwest Catholic Organization article  have said, " The wealth of spiritual graces offered through the rosary comes not from the multiplication of prayers ( see Matthew 6:7 ) but from the immitation of Christ through the obedience to the Father's will, according to the example of the Blessed Mother."


I will end this here for now since I don't want this to be way too long. Hope you've gain a positive insight on the background of October as month of the Holy Rosary, and on the Holy Rosary itself. Godbless everyone,and keep safe always! Our midterms is coming, lol.
