Calling all interested current student and alumni of LIVSrNHS to join our Online Poem Writing Contest: Rawitdawit para ki Titser! This is in observance to the celebration of World Teacher's Month! E-Certificate and 'sulit' sim load prize will be given to the three winners of each category (Student and Alumni) Mechanics: 1. There are two categories in this contest. The Student Category whose participants shall be the currently enrolled students in the school in this school year (Grade 7-12). The Alumni Category will be participated by all former students of the school regardless of the current status of living. 2. Each participant shall submit a poem about teacher. Writer may use his or her own style; only BICOL dialect will be used as the medium. 3. Submitted poem will be posted to be shared and gather likes. The total of 50 likes is equivalent to 20% Audience Impact. 4. Three winners in each category will be announced and given the recognition. 5. Criteria for judging: *Content/Message=40% *Poetic Impact=30% *Audience Impact (Likes on post)=20% *Originality=10% 6. Send your entry directly on messenger to Iggy Dasigan (Mr. Ignacio V. Dasigan). Submission is now open and will be closed on October 1, 3:00pm. 7. Posting of entries and sharing to gather likes will start on October 2, 10:00am and ends on October 7, 3:00pm. 8. Announcement of winners will be on October 9, 3:00pm 9. The winners in Student and Alumni Categories will receive: *1st place=500 sim load plus e-certificate *2nd place=200 sim load plus e-certificate *3rd place=100 sim load plus e-certificate *Note: Sim load amount prize may be more than that depending on continuous giving of sponsorship. Share your love through peom and win! #HappyWorldTeachersMonthCelebration