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Operating System Update / LCD Flex replacement and Built in camera fix

So here is a Sony Vaio laptop from one of my customer, well the problem is the previous operating system (windows 7) is already corrupted, to be specific with the problem some files from system 32 is already dead, can't use the laptop properly because of the spam errors from some deleted major software's and files from the laptop itself, next problem is the longer you use the laptop there's a green thing that shows up on the screen itself first i though it was on the LCD but after restarting the laptop its still there so i try to check for the LCD and it looks good so my second option is to check the LCD flex and as what i suspect the flex is kinda damage itself, and the last problem is the camera, after installing windows 10 everything works fine but the camera is now starting as some error appear that the camera was in used by other apps, so I try to check the drivers and its working fine so i open the part on where's the camera located and see that the flex for the camera to motherboard is not connected properly and after fixing it then the camera works fine, and after that all is good to go but the payment is not year ready so the laptop will stay with me haha. 
