Hello there! As I have started our small business, a lot of things came into my mind including asking myself if I can even do it. I was inspired by the videos from Tiktok on how they pack their orders, I just simply enjoy watching them. Until one day, I was so eager to also experience packing an order. And ta da! I made my very first video of packing my dummy order. I may have orders already but I did not managed to record a video of it as I would like to send their orders to them as soon as I can. As I said in my previous entry, my husband thought that I was wasting my time and effort with this business, but as he saw how happy I am packing and preparing the orders, he is now supporting me with his whole heart and I could feel support making me more inspired to continue. What I am trying to say here is that, do something that you love to do and you'll never find yourself working for money. That's the only thing money can never buy, happiness. I have uploaded the video, you may watch it ^^ You may support my small business by simply placing an order, I only have few stocks left.