• Good News

Noelle Rontas

Pageantry and it's beauty

Hi there! I am an aspiring beauty queen from the Philippines. Before pageantry, i became a runway model first. I must say that the first time i stepped on stage, i fell in love. I fell in love with the people cheering my name, the blinding lights that are directed at me as I try to awe the audiences and the judges. I may be small, about 5'2 inches, but I can walk and promote my advocacies. I believe that short women deserves to join in pageants as much as tall women because we are as passionate as them when it comes to pageantry. What do you guys think?


  • Hot Mama
    Jan 25, 2021 22:18
    Nice beauty😘
  • Leonard Alvaro
    Jul 07, 2020 21:47
    Goodluck on your journey🤗