Why Christians Wait Scripture is full of people who faithfully, and sometimes begrudgingly, waited on God. Noah waited for rain, and then for the waters to recede. Abraham and Sarah waited for a child. Joseph waited for the betrayals to stop. David waited for King Saul's reign to end. John the Baptist waited for The Lamb to arrive. Jesus waited until he was about 30 years old to start his ministry. Mary and Martha waited for Jesus to show up when Lazarus died. There are dozens more. I don't believe what the prosperity preachers teach; that we should wait because God is about to bring the happy ending you've always dreamed of. Sometimes our circumstances go from bad to worse, and they stay that way. We can wait because we're content with any outcome God brings about, for better or for worse, because He is the Creator, the Ruler and Sustainer of all things. As God said to Jeremiah, He is the potter, we are the clay (Jeremiah 18). We also have to realize that sometimes we won't get to experience God's promises fulfilled. Abraham saw some of his offspring, but he didn't see a nation more numerous than the stars in his lifetime. Moses saw the promised land, but he didn't get to live in it. Sometimes we're made to wait, but the blessings we're waiting for are for someone else's benefit, not yours. Are you OK with that? So, how can we get better at waiting patiently? We should agree with Paul when he says, "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." Maybe we have trouble waiting because there are things in our lives that we simply refuse to count as loss.