As I was composing my thought of what excellence is, I came up to the idea of asking ten colleagues of mine whom I know they excell well in different perspectives such as in academics, sports, leadership, talents, and the like. Their answers have almost the same thoughts. "Excellence is being outstanding"; "excellence is doing more than what is expected with integrity"; "it is not perfection rather embracing imperfection"; "it is a practice to becoming a better you"; and "it is more than intelligence but in wisdom". However, one of the answers that strucked me the most was that excellence is when you are contented. There is nothing wrong with this idea but I questioned myself, "when can one say he is contented?" Contentment is tough enough. Number is infinite so as contentment. Undeniably, people are way too far to be contented of what they have. Because of that answer, it keeps on babbling on my mind. I looked for the meaning of contented and found out it equates to satisfied and being satisfied is being pleased of what have been experienced and received. But again, when can one say he is contented? Since I already asked my friends about how they understood excellence I'll take that question for myself. What is excellence for me? It is really difficult to attain the true meaning of excellence because this thing is subjective. It is viewed differently. What is excellent for you may not be excellent for the other. But to answer that question, for me, excellence is letting out the best in you. You may fail at some point in aiming what you're eyeing at but one thing is for sure, it is your character that is beyond the measure that counts. Complementing your character with your skills can make you "the best" and by that, you do everything with excellence.