• Good News

Rachelle Bien


The coronavirus pandemic has changed our everyday life and routine. A lot of people stuck in their home doing nothing. However, some stay at home folks discover their love for plants flexing potted plants on social media, proudly calling themselves "plantitas" and "plantitos".

For those who want to start their plant journey, here is my personal plant list you should check or buy: Succulents, Peace lily (Spathiphyllum), Sensation plant, Monstera Deliciosa, Philodendron Selloum, Areca palm, Sansevieria Bacularis, Snake plant, Aglaonema 'Silver Queen", Monstera Adansonii, Dischidia Oiantha,  Butterfly Palm and a lot more.

You should also visit these local shops: Shopleaf Plant Studio https://www.instagram.com/shopleafph_/ Shrubs Manila https://www.instagram.com/shrubs_manila/Leaves of Green Ph https://www.instagram.com/leavesofgreen.ph/
For Handmade macramé decorations, visit anemones.ph

Actually, plant parenting is not only effective in decorating homes, they're also good companions during trying times. Indoor plants give our minds a welcomed break from all the negativity we are living in especially nowadays.This is my good news for today, arrivederci! 


  • Gillan Marie Alayon
    Sep 03, 2020 18:58
  • Yoursavinggrace
    Aug 31, 2020 10:26
    On point.
  • Karen Cervantes
    Aug 31, 2020 10:02