Having an intimate and long-lasting friendship is now a rare find. People tend to have difficulties in finding real friends and when they do, it’s just right that they cherish them in their hearts. When I was younger, I focused more on quantity than quality. I used to think that popularity is important and you are “cool” when you have a lot of so-called “friends”. With this mindset, I had a hard time differentiating my true friends from the fake ones. “It’s when you find your life at its lowest point that you discover who your friends truly are." - C.S. Woolley When I was struggling with depression and anxiety, I was very hard to deal with. I was in my worst state as I witnessed my “friends” leaving one by one. It was really heartbreaking. I was in the verge of killing myself that I had the clearest vision of who really stayed in my life - my real friends. I truly felt their care and concern for me. They let me know that I am worth loving and staying for. They loved me for who I am but also helped me grow to become a better version of myself. 🥰 Real friends will stay. We all have our differences and when you learn to accept each other’s flaws, that’s where true friendship starts. When you have already found your “small circle”, keep them. Appreciate them and never take them for granted. Be real and true as well. Be there for them through the good and the bad times as they also make time for you. Love and be loved. ❤️