• Good News

Roy Aquino

(Red Vegetables and Fruits) Good for your health

Red fruits and vegetables are usually good for the heart, brain and prostate gland. These foods are rich in lycopene, ellagic acid, quercetin, and hesperidin. The above can lower cholesterol, blood pressure and cancer risk, such as prostate cancer.
Here are some examples:
1. Red Apples - Apples are high in quercetin. According to the study, people who eat "one apple a day" are more likely to avoid lung cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Apple peel contains pectin, which also lowers bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) levels so it is good for our heart.
2. Strawberries - Strawberries contain ellagic acid and polyphenols, which protect against cancer. Strawberries are high in anti-oxidants, vitamins B and C, and potassium needed for normal heart rate.
3. Tomato, tomato sauce and ketchup - Tomatoes are rich in anti-oxidants such as lycopene and beta-carotene. Lycopene is one of the strongest anti-oxidants. Numerous studies have shown that eating tomatoes, tomato sauce and ketchup reduces the chances of developing heart disease, prostate cancer, and bowel cancer. To get the lycopene out of the tomato, cook it with a little oil. According to experts, we need to eat 10 tablespoons or 150 cc of tomato sauce per week.
4. Red Watermelon - According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, watermelon has benefits for the heart and blood vessels. Watermelon has been shown to increase arginine levels in the body. Arginine is co-converted to nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes and nourishes our veins. Because of this, it can help prevent stroke and heart attack. Red watermelon contains lycopene which slows down our aging. A little knowledge: Yellow watermelon has lutein which is good for our eyes.
So if you want your heart, brain and prostate to be healthy, eat red fruits and vegetables.
