• Good News

Ron Cedric

Reset your mindset every single day!

everything in your life that you like and it comes to you is because you have a program to support that that's wonderful that means that's great it's going to come to you because that program is bringing it to you but in contrast this is the one that's important anything you work hard to accomplish anything you struggle over to make it happen anything you put a lot of effort in i want this i'm going to work like crazy i'm going to get this my first question is why are you working so hard and the answer is very simple anything you're struggling to try to accomplish whether it's health or love relationships whatever it is if you're struggling it represents a simple fact your subconscious programming doesn't support that conclusion so the fact is what are my programs look at your struggle and wherever you're struggling the struggle is not because the universe won't provide for you the struggle is an internal job the struggle is you're trying to overcome previous programming that prevents you to go to that destination so the wonderful part about this understanding is you don't have to to review your life you can look right now at this one moment just look in your head and say what are the things that i keep trying to get and they they seem to be elusive i can't get them they're always out of reach i say their their universe is not holding back it's your own invisible subconscious behavior and once you understand where the issues are and you start to really focus on the point that it's not the universe that's providing the trouble it's myself you have the first inclination the first idea the first understanding of how to change your life because now you know exactly what issue is confronting you and again if you understand it's an internal issue then you and this is the most important part otherwise this would be the worst seminar you ever heard the most important part is this you can change the programming you can rewrite your subconscious programs and why is that relevant if you took the wishes and desires of the conscious mind and use that as a program to put the beliefs into the subconscious mind

Always believe that there is a reason why you wake up in the morning~ Godbless! 💜💜💜


  • Memmonova
    Sep 03, 2020 09:40
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  • Alicia Mae Delarmente ()
    Aug 31, 2020 11:35
  • Aug 30, 2020 23:37
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