• Good News

Self-Discipline #COVID19Help

When going out, I always wear my face mask. By doing so, it helps both me, the people around me, and the environment a favor. A simple act of wearing protective mask can save many people's lives and the economy. 

Self-discipline is needed to protect everyone for obtaining the deadly virus. Simple instruction but big impact in our society. Maintaining the physical distancing of 1 meter, despite wearing a mask, gives us safety because the body isn't colliding with other's. Additionally, having 1m away, helps keep the air to free flow. 

Lastly, always bring hand sanitizer or 70% alcohol. Use properly when you have handed money, recieved money, after coming from the bathroom, and before touching your face. 

These 3: Wear Face Mask, Keep Distance, and Bring Sanitizers/Alcohol can contribute to lessening the risk of having the virus to removing it completely from the country. Do your part and be disciplined at all times!
