• Good News

Ian Sane


Have you ever heard of the Seven Deadly Sins? 
Also known as the Capital Vices or Cardinal Sins, these were at one time in history extremely important. 
Today they are somewhat known as individual wrongdoings and as a list have kind of been forgotten. 
You might think some of them have even lost meaning.
Let's look over the list and refelect on how much is still relevant.

1. Pride: the belief that you are better than someone else, knowing that we are all human and make mistakes.
2. Envy: the longing or yearning you feel when you desire the characteristics or possessions of another. We are all unique and special in our own ways.
3. Wrath: the fury and outrage which causes us to react with violence. We should never seek to harm anyone ever, as this only makes us more like the person we do not want to be.
4. Sloth: simply put is laziness, we all know what this leads to including unsanitary conditions and poor health.
5. Greed: the unecessary want and chase of material wealth. In the end you have to leave it all behind anyways.
6. Gluttony: the overuse of anything including and especially food and drink.  We should always enjoy everything in moderation, mostly for our health.
7. Lust: not just the longing for uncontrolled sexual acts, it also includes the craving for power, hunger for money and other things. Lust may give you a moment, but love will last a lifetime. 

Once you go over the list and think deeply upon it, you come to realize that the modern world has almost come to worship this inventory of the enemies of man. 
Examples are: 'Shop til you drop', 'foodies' and 'celebrity adoration'.

But fear not! There is another list. 
The Seven Virtues or Heavenly Virtues. This index will give you back a feeling of hope and adorn you with a powerful arsenal of morality. 
We will go over these next week.
