Before human beings became the dominant species across the globe, animals were the masters of Earth. God created all living creatures on earth with the same feelings. The feeling of pain, happiness, anger, depression etc. is the same for all. However, we, humans become totally insensitive to their pain only because animals can't speak our language. Animal cruelty is a nationwide problem rapidly growing in today's society. Animals are beaten and starved everyday and millions of helpless animals die each year because of some heartless people. Animals don't have voice, they can't ask for help, for freedom, for protection, humanity must be their voice but it turns out humans is the reason why lots of them suffers. Generally speaking, im pro people doing whatever they want so long it's for good cause but showing cruelty to animals is an it right to force an animal to live it's live in a laboratory cage for scientific research projects, or in a small cage for circus entertainment, or in a mill for profit purposes? how would you like to be squeeze in a cage with many other animals, not being able to touch the grass, run around and play, smell the flowers, or go for a walk in the warmth of the sunshine?. my heart weeps when i see or read abuse or cruelty to any animals whether it's through multiple social media or news. I just can't stop my tears coming for those animals who were suffering such cruelty their whole lives instead of living peacefully in this world. i was not raised vegan but that wouldn't stop me to give out a hand for these living creatures, i myself personally supports the advocacy for animal cruelty. it's very wrong, we humans don't have the right to hurt them to harm them, to beat them. I myself a dog owner of 7 and they're all stray dogs, my family couldn't have the heart not to adopt and care for them as they were all afraid and anxious and malnourished when we got them. yes it's hard to support their needs bc i was already in college that time but in order to give them the life they deserve i gave up my college allowance just to buy food for them and any other needs, time goes by, our good neighborhood heartily donates food and even informed us whenever there's a free vaccines in our community. Simple act of kindness that our dogs will be forever grateful. Dogs or any other animal should be treated fairly, or even more consider them as a family. Just like us humans, animals too needs a tender loving and care. for earth was made for all living life not just for human life. Let's be kind to them, and strongly speak our hearts out for them and supports their rights for their wellness. May we be all a rebel with a good cause and stop the animal cruelty. #notoanimalcruelty #savelives #animalslover #animalsarefriendstoo #animalsarefamily #bekindtoanimals