• Personal Stories


Swarm of Bees

This story happened the same day of the 'Epic Journey to the Mountain'. We're already at my grandparent's property. In the last story I forgot to say that we're with my grandma and another cousin, in short we're five in total. There is also my grandparents's dog.

After having our lunch, my grandpa stood up to go and check his carabao, while my grandma decided to look for edible ferns. She told us to stay where we ate our lunch, but me and my cousins are stubborn. When grandma left, we waited for a minute before following her, but even before we reach her, we saw grandma running towards where we are standing while shouting,"Bees!!" Due to panic, we run, no one wants to be stung by bees. While running, I accidentally stepped on a spot full of black ants, I don't know their specific name but the color itself says how scary it is. Their bites are so itchy and irritating, and I was jumping, running and scratching my feet almost at the same time. Cousin 1, after running, he decided to play dead, but my grandpa's dog licked him in the face. Cousin 2, he tripped on his foot while running down the slope. He's like a huge spring roll rolling down hill, HAHAHHAHA. He had cuts from sharp grass after that.

I'm very accident prone when I was a kid, but reminiscing those events, made me happy, they are just so epic.
