Damn! Breakups are surely painful and could take a toll on some. After all, a relationship that you have carefully built with someone, regardless of how long it has been, just ended, leaving your heart in pieces. You went fast from being totally in love to being depressed and have probably sworn that you will never forgive your ex. You are angry, sad, and bitter. You want to escape from that darkness in your heart. But how? Here are the fastest ways to move on from your ex and get over that heartache. ACCEPT THE FACT THAT IT HAS ALREADY ENDED More often than not, we tend to deny that some situations have definitely occurred and would rather live inside an illusion that shows us the things that we want to happen. However, life just does not always work the way we want it to be. The irony here is that you need to embrace the pain that is dragging you down so you will be set free. Believe me, there is still more to life than just staying in a situation that kills you day by day. THROW THE MEMORIES AWAY If only bad and painful memories could be easily deleted from our heads just as how easy it is to delete pictures, everything would have been nice the next day. Since this is impossible as of the moment, what can you do then? Well, stop reading your ex’s letters and burn them instead! Bury them, dump them in the trash, lock them away, delete all the pictures and chats from your phone, whatever you want! Just make sure that you are going to get rid of those objects that your ex has given you, especially the most sentimental ones. You will never reach your destination if you always take a step back every time you take a step forward just because your attachment towards your past lover still exists in the things that you see in your room. So honey, do yourself a favor and dump those memorabilia. CUT TIES Hear me out first. I know that some of you prefer keeping the connection but you see, this will make the process long. Remember that we are talking about the fastest ways to get over your ex here. Cutting ties with the person prevents you from having conversations with them again. The moment you get in touch with your past lover, you are going to receive a free trip to memory lane which may take you back to square one. So block the number as well as the social media accounts and resist the urge to send a message. If you want that sadness to be over soon, then cut the chase by cutting ties! REDIRECT YOUR FOCUS What do we do when life throws us lemons? It’s up to you. But here is the thing, why not use this break up to your advantage? Instead of locking yourself up in your room, how about going outside and do something new? We normally detach ourselves from society when we are in a depressing situation but you know that you cannot do that forever. Isolation makes you prone to thinking about the many memories in the past. At some point, you need to engage in something new and interesting to regain that jolly version of yourself. Find a new hobby, attend parties and events, meet new friends, or acquire a new skill. Some people believe that revenge means hurting the person back. But the best payback is to actually upgrade yourself and prove that you can live happily without them. BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN DO IT Maybe right now, everything seems to be difficult and painful. But one thing that you should never lose sight of is hope. This takes a lot of determination but it will surely help your heart be free from pain. Every time you open your eyes in the morning, remind yourself that the sorrow you are feeling right now is something temporary and that by tomorrow, you will already be fine. Do this daily and you will just be surprised how one day, all the bitterness is gone. Getting over your ex is certainly hard. But as long as you have the will to rise above the pain and the hope that the agony will be over soon, it is highly probable that you are going to move on in no time. What do you think is the best and fastest way to get over a breakup? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.