• Quotes/Motivation



I always come across posts, people, videos, or photos saying, "Don't lower your standards, just because of what others tell you or show you." It got me thinking, "What standards?" 

Standard/s by definition according to https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ is; a level of quality; a moral rule that should be obeyed; a pattern or model that is generally accepted; and others.

Now, I am not saying that this, -"Don't lower your standards, just because of what others tell you or show you." -is wrong.  I just believe that standards are what we feel. How "right" is your feeling about someone or something is the standard.  I know I might sound crazy about that but, that's for me. The "rightness", if there is such a word, of what you feel is the standard. Am I being repetitive? Well, let me say it again, the "rightness" of what you feel is the standard.


  • Kyungg
    Sep 28, 2020 18:04
    Go with God's standards šŸ’•