Pandemic has left so many scars in my heart . It leads me to anxiety, it lowers my knowledge, and it even draws me away from someone i loved . I can't dodge the fact that this invisible enemy will have a great negative influence among people and me . But, rather drowning myself to its negativity I just look for the color and beauty behind it and find some comfort. After so many researches to find comfort behind negativities. I end up to this sight the GOOD INFO NET, I was insecure on this page, so I do researches on this page, and after so many research I fall in love to it. I immediately made an account to be part of this group or family. Good Info Net for me is really close to perfection , they offer so many motivational phrases and quotes that can enlighten the darkness of your heart and they even give a hundred percent real news and articles they give you to jobs and give you a credit as a member to it. On this Good Info Net your not just influenced but you are loved . This my story....What's yours?