• Good News

Sophia Enriquez

The Turning Point Before 20s

Some people might ask and wonder about our plans or the things that should be figured out before turning into a young adult--But really, is that really necessary in our 20s? It might be confusing, it could also might be challenging, or worse it might get us pressured.  But hey, it's okay. Look into the brighter side of your window-- freshen up and accomplish that morning routine of yours. 

There are some few things that I considered a turning point in my life before turning into my 20s-- the things I once choose to ignore and just go on with my boring, normal life, but life is really a B, right? It makes us get out from our dearest comfort zone that we managed to build since our childhood-- and makes us realizes things that are far from normal, far from usual. Well, lucky for some--whose already had figured out their life, their deepest desires and dreams and their future. Cheers to that! And for some people like me who are just discovering their turning point in their life--we'll get there-- we are all gonna find that thing that will complete us. 

One of the turning point I rooted out is realizing that old bad habits is never a friend--never a comfort! It really isn't going to help us from something troubling or the sense of escaping. Whether we love that kind of habits or not, we should never hold on to something that gets us drained and locked-up-inside-a-toxic-room kind of feeling.  We all doesn't want to feel that. 

Another is--the change of perspective--the reform of how I used to look at things before. Well, the things I believed in doesn't come out with a forever membership-- I choose to look in a different way that makes me more matured and unprejudiced. Looking at that different side of things might actually get us into something better than the record of yesterday. We can't perceived things the way we wanted them to see, we all have to remember everything has a backstory, everything has a different sides of story that I'm pretty sure few people would understand.  We can't live in a life where we can get everything we want. And not everything we thought we know might not be it is, there's always more than it is.  

The last thing I wanna share about my turning point is the thought of moving forward and to always find something to look forward, instead of looking back at the past that makes us wanna cry all night making our pillows get wet with our regrets and the things-that-we-should've-have-done-before kind of thoughts. It's okay to look back--others says, but it is never okay to stay and get stuck with the past. We have to move forward in order to get that thing that we always aim to have. I'm pretty sure no one in this world wants to get left behind in the past looking alone and suffering in some kind of pain. Do something better for ourselves. We all know better. 

Before I end this blog of mine--I want to say that, we all have something in the future-- something that we have dream of having. If you still didn't get these turning point somewhere in your life, there is always a time for everything-- a perfect time to invest yourself into something more worthy and something to look forward into.  If we still haven't figured out our life or future in our 20s-- that's definitely okay, there is no rush in accomplishing our own different kind of future that we want to have. Let's have the time to be a better version of ourselves! Cheers! 
