• Good News

Jason Resma

The Value of Progress

We are always encouraged to focus on our goal to experience success, right? But why most of us still fail? It's because we forget to consider every progress that we make. It  is when we value our progress that we can have a glimpse of our success! That is something very crucial—endowed progress effect!

This came to my realization when I was cutting off strips of paper. The set goal is to create 1000 pieces of paper tags, MANUALLY. The dimensions was no greater than of that of an credit card, so it's quite of a task to make it perfectly cut.
I noticed that my work was a mess, strips of papers was every where, all messy and it made me feel lazy. So I decided to change my way of doing this task.

I started from shifting my attention of making my progress clear to my naked eye. I used chunking method. I dealt with 20 pieces at a time, set them aside when done, then chunk them by hundreds and so on and so forth.

Then I noticed that it is lighter on my part to reach my goal because even just bit by bit, I can see my progress which led me to my goal. It like a path, a clear path with a signage that says "you're getting there, keep going!" Then I reached my goal of creating 1000 pieces of paper tags with an ease on my mind because of shifting my attention on making progress instead of reaching my goal all the way as fast as I can. 

If you're dealing with something that needs to be accomplished, do not rush! Be it success in business, studying, financial stability, employment, self development, especially on spiritual growth, do not rush it. Seek progress instead of an instant success. Do something to make progress. That's what matter the most! 

It is progress that gives us a glimpse of reaching our goal—success! 

-Jason Resma


  • Mark Arcel Letada
    Aug 01, 2020 07:59
    check my articles too :)
  • Ron Cedric
    Jul 31, 2020 22:05
    I agree!! Thank you for sharing 💕💜