• Good News


Thoughts To Ponder (#2)

A visual memento about my 5-month quarantine experience. The most important thing we can do for ourselves and others during this time is to work together to stay inside. Realized that we are never really alone -- Call your classmates and friends. Check upon the people around you. FaceTime your childhood best friend! Fuck it, go on Omegle!! 

In a time of social distancing, use this as an opportunity to connect, not only with others but with yourself. With nature. With the Earth. With God. With everyone.

Spend time "being" instead of "doing".  You’ll be surprise what you can accomplish in this state. Create art, make music, write, get inspired. If not, find something that will pique your interest. Stay informed but do it from a place of love and logic instead of contributing to the collective fear that circulates around the internet daily. You may put your phone away for a day and see what happens. 

Give tip to the delivery men, order from local businesses, supports your friends' whereabouts. Give what you can and give when you can. Be grateful for what you have. 

To all the doctors, nurses, medical practitioners, janitors, barangay officials, grocery store employees, cashiers, and so many others putting their lives at risk to help us... I love you and I always pray for your safety. 

And for love of God, PLEASE follow strict protocols. Wear your face mask and face shield whenever you are going out. Wash your hands! Always stay safe, because that's the least we can do. 

Good night!


  • Mark Arcel Letada
    Sep 03, 2020 10:49
    cle too :) https://www.goodinfonet.check my latest articom/goodnews/the-cellphone-myfirstdayinschool
    Sep 02, 2020 11:27
  • Rachelle Bien
    Sep 01, 2020 14:25
    Love this!