• Good News

Nelson G

Time not being wasted

Good day, goodinfonians I want to share another random thought that I called 1500 hour thoughts I don't normally have this but since I couldn't sleep probably because of the weather, people that I am thinking that I care the most or it is just my body clock that ain't workin'

Anyways I want to start it with the saying "The time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted." you guys will probably have tons of idea in mind and I want you guys to hold on to that if you could please leave a comment on the things that struck you the most or how will you interpret that saying then that will be awesome. 

Most of our elders say you need to manage your time, enough of the things that don't benefit you in the long run or does not gonna give you any fortune along the way and one of the most used saying is that "Time is gold" -- you need to strike a balance in all the things that you are doing and make sure that have a list of what needs to prioritize or in the business world it is so-called time management.

I do not want everyone to feel that because we are experiencing this pandemic is that you guys need to do a lot of stuff, that you need to go outside connect with your friends or do thing that most of the people within your circle prevent you to do, again we are not running out of time.  We need to know the importance of staying at home not just for yourself but for your family and for the community.  You can still do things beyond what you can imagine, connect with your friends through an online application, video call even from a distance, call your loved ones and say "Hello, or I love you" is something that will create an impact even you are not around.

Do things that make you happy and don't even have a second thought because whatever you do so long as it creates self-fulfillment is not time wasted.  Learn new stuff such as gardening, baking, or even vlogging I mean there's a lot of ways of making yourself entertain and if you don't know it yet then I will create a hundred ways for you.


  • Ms. Tiktok News
    Sep 10, 2020 22:46
    time is gold
    Sep 10, 2020 17:59
  • Joyce Sta. Ana
    Sep 10, 2020 17:24
    " target="_blank">https://www.goodinfonet.com/img/emoticons/heartineye.png'>