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Tips on How to Start a Small Business

I am not new to online selling, I have been selling different things since I was still a student. From clothes, to food and now I am venturing to cosmetics.

A lot are asking me for tips on how to start one, I am not that successful yet but these are still something to learn from my experiences.

First, always plan ahead! Do your business planning, take note of your goals and mission, find your suppliers (if you need any), price your goods, estimate your profit, list down your marketing strategies, these are just some of them. But in conclusion, just plan everything that you need to do while launching and after launching the business.

Second, make a good branding. A lot of people would skip this one, but let me tell you, a good branding design attracts a lot of customers! If your products have cute packaging and designs, people would flock to get them!

Third, always have a back up plan (or maybe back ups!). You are not sure whether things will go well on the first try, so go to the next plan. Try and try until it fits and succeeds. Be innovative as well. Don't settle for what you have started, be always flexible. This way, you'll be able to keep up with the trends.

Follow our shop on instagram/shopee: @xtremebeautyph
