1. Think and analyze your goal, and find out whether you really want to achieve it. Is it worth the effort and time? Maybe you don't really want it. If after thinking about your goal, you realize that you do not really care about it, it would be difficult to be motivated, and you will need to find something else that you really want to achieve and that is really important to you. It is easier to become motivated and stay motivated, when you are sure about what you want. 2.Make your goal very clear. Writing it down will help you describe it in clear and concise words. The more specific it is, the easier it would be to focus on it and get yourself motivated. 3. Think often about your goal or desire, about its benefits, and how your life will look like after accomplishing it. This will awaken your emotions, which supply the driving force and enthusiasm to pursue your goal. 4. Visualize your goal as already accomplished, and close your mind to doubts and disbelief. Visualize how your life would be after getting what you want. Imagine how you would feel after achieving your goal. True, it might not be easy, as doubts and disbelief will probably try to occupy your mind. However, with persistence, you can teach your mind to stay away from doubts, or least ignore them. 5. Make workable plans, with small steps that are easy to follow, and insist on taking at least one step a day. This will give you confidence, and make you believe that the goal is within your reach. When you see a goal as doable, it would be easier to become motivated and enthusiastic.